Pistol Range Rules
- It is prohibited to fire in any direction but down range. Shooting at side berms is prohibited
- Members and guests MUST ensure bullets impact back berms. Any willful shot not impacting the berm is considered a negligent shot and subject to review per rule #10 (in General Range Rules).
- Targets shall be placed in portable target racks. Any willful damage to the portable target racks will be subject to review per rule #10 (in General Range Rules).
- All target frames must be of sufficient width to support standard targets. Target frames must be of sufficient height to have the bottom of the target at least 48 inches above the ground (see exception below). Do not lean target frames against the berms.
- Plinking range only (10 yard pocket range): Maximum target height is 5 feet (60 inches); minimum height is 3 feet (36 inches). May use club-supplied targets on this range only, located in shed on right side of the range. Targets must be place directly at the backstop only. Ground-based targets not allowed. Plinking range is currently closed.
- Targets must not be hung on any part of the portable target racks.
Examples of PROHIBITED and APPROVED ground target locations on Pistol Ranges.
- Use of steel targets permitted, with the following limitations:
- Absolutely no steel-core or penetrator ammo allowed on steel targets
- Steel targets must be either commercially made for the purpose of being a
target; or must be a copy of such a target. Miscellaneous pieces of scrape
steel or other non-traditional targets not allowed. Only un-damaged steel
targets may be used.
- Steel targets that are damaged or deformed by holes, pitting, cracking,
cupping, excessive wear, etc. must not be used.
- Pistol caliber and .22lr ammo only. No rifle caliber ammo allowed on steel
targets in the pocket ranges.
- Steel targets must be at least 10 yards or more away from shooting
- Absolutely no steel-core or penetrator ammo allowed on steel targets
- Organized club sanctioned events may allow other target heights and positions with specific written permission from the Club Safety Officer and/or Board of Directors to ensure bullets are contained within the ranges and do not damage target racks.